Lunar Eclipse 2019

The struggle was real with this backyard lunar eclipse photo shoot. The temperature was 10 degrees F last night. Aside from just not wanting to go outside in that cold, my Nikon runs the risk of freezing up at those temperatures if left outside too long. As such, I kept bringing my rig inside to heat up. It was also snowing and cloudy during the height of the eclipse. The sky was clouded for most of the eclipse. I did luck out and get a few shots in when the clouds parted, but there was still a haze in front of the moon I couldn’t beat during totality. Hopefully the next eclipse I can see is in summer!

1 comments on “Lunar Eclipse 2019

  1. Chris~
    We watched the eclipse last night in 40 degree temps with a clear sky. You shoulda come here! Your photos are fantastic. Thought it was interesting that the moon. Appeared to be 3-dimensional when it was orange; looked like a ball. I saw each stage you photographed but was unable to discern the darker moon spots that appear black on the orange moon.

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