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Coeur d’Alene: A Northwestern Gem

In July, I was invited to host a tech talk on using APIs at JEBCommerce, an agency partner of ShareASale. JEB runs a monthly knowledge sharing session where employees disconnect from their day-to-day in order to learn new skills.

Tech talks tend to cover topics that the layman may find dry. As such, in addition to the extemporaneous speaking style I advocated in this post, I approached the topic with a bit of humor and tried to focus of 3 takeaways that anybody could remember. The knowledge bomb was a success with an active Q&A. Engagement is key!

While this wasn’t a photo trip, I did get some opportunities to shoot some of the picturesque Coeur d’Arlene, Idaho and Spokane, Washington scenery. It was my first trip to the Northwest and I didn’t research anything ahead of time, so I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the region. Here are some shots of Spokane and Lake Coeur d’Arlene.

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