30 things to do in my 30s

  1. Travel more
  2. Keep my marriage strong
  3. Figure out whether or not I want and can afford to have children
  4. Save for retirement
  5. Keep consistent workout habits
  6. Eat correctly
  7. Make good health decisions
  8. Continue to meet new people and make new friends
  9. Strengthen ties with existing friends
  10. Have fun
  11. Maintain a good work/life balance
  12. Learn how to do something well that I am currently terrible at
  13. Go to a concert or two as an adult
  14. Better leverage the cultural opportunities associated with living in a city
  15. Try new restaurants
  16. If I go bald, accept my lot in life and deal with it without going through a combover phase
  17. Write another book – one that doesn’t suck
  18. Altruistically make a difference in someone’s life
  19. Begin to build some form of legacy that will exist after I die
  20. Recognize that life is a gift and make sure that I let the people I love know that I love them
  21. Remember that some gifts aren’t always meant to be taken seriously and laugh at life where possible
  22. Try to be a mensch
  23. Don’t be afraid to dance in public
  24. Avoid toxic people and situations
  25. Read things that are written in a point of view I don’t natively agree with so I can understand all sides of an argument
  26. Keep an open mind
  27. Remember that once in a lifetime experiences are out there and happen everyday, but that they need to be taken without fear when they are presented
  28. Don’t take luxuries for granted, but don’t always eschew them in favor of saving for the future
  29. Don’t ever be afraid to speak out against injustice
  30. Be cool with that fact that I’m probably not going to accomplish everything on this list

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