It's hard to believe that I started this blog over 10 years ago. It began as a place to host my resume and generate a domain level email address to hand out to potential employers and show them that I've got some skills. Fast forward a few years and I was using this as a dedicated photoblog with a slight mix in of non-fiction writing.
A lot changed in ten years. I moved, changed jobs and companies, dealt with health concerns, said goodbye to elderly family and pets, and spun off my professional writings into a subdomain blog. I also had to fortune to travel quite a bit, seeing a lot the US and Europe. I'm a different person from when I started this blog and the world is a different place.
As such, I've recently re-imagined this blog. Although photography is still very much a passion of mine, this is no longer a dedicated photoblog. I'm going to write about my other interests, including topics such as: travel, cooking, and a more personal tone to written content on this site. I plan to be more open in this blog about my experiences as a queer person living in a hostile to people like me world as well as to some of the personal challenges I'm dealing with in my life.
At the time of this writing, in the early days of the second Trump administration, I am worried about the state and direction of the world. Though it may be a risk, I think it is even more important for queer people to be open and honest about their experiences. Compassion and respect for the beautiful differences between people seems harder to find these days and we're only going to get that back by respectfully speaking our truth.
If you find yourself here, reading the front-door of my online porch, please feel free to sit and stay a while. Hopefully you find a nice picture that speaks to you, a recipe or wine pairing recommendation that elevates your palette, or an idea in an essay that speaks to your soul. Welcome and here's to making the world a more beautiful place.